Crystals on sequin
Crystals on sequin
Crystals on sequin
Crystals on sequin
Crystal and sequin cluster
Crystal and sequin cluster
Crystal and sequin cluster
Crystal and sequin cluster
Sequins and crystals on oyster shell
Sequins and crystals on oyster shell
Sequins and crystals on oyster shell
Sequins and crystals on oyster shell
Crystals and oyster shells
Crystals and oyster shells
Crystals on oyster shell
Crystals on oyster shell
Salt crystals on oyster shell
Salt crystals on oyster shell
Collaboration with Matt Jacob, crystals grown on neon circles
Collaboration with Matt Jacob, crystals grown on neon circles
Collaboration with Matt Jacob, crystals grown on neon circles
Collaboration with Matt Jacob, crystals grown on neon circles

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